Advanced upgrades
Deal Score+243
Deal Score+29
European version
ENGINE PRO vs ENGINE XTwo premium ebikes!
Color LCD displayWith advanced settings
Hydraulic disc brakingBraking system
MotorPeak power in watt
Maximum speedSpeed in km/h in sport mode
Battery capacityIn ampere hours
Multiple ColorsAbaliable in more colors
European Union ModelComply with all Europe street laws

Compare Engwe ENGINE PRO with ENGINE X

What are the differences between them?

Engwe Engine Pro vs. Engine X – Made for European Union

As some European countries have different or more strict laws than others, some customers ask us to create an Engwe Engine Pro version that would be legal on all public roads in all European Union countries. Therefore the Engwe Engine Pro and Engwe Engine X are almost the same, with the only exception being the downgraded motor to only 250W with a speed limit of 25 km/h for Engwe Engine X.

Motor Peak Power (WATT)

Summary of the comparison

Which model better suits your needs simply depends on your country’s laws and regulations. Some countries have motor and speed limitations regulated by law and others don’t. Therefore we suggest you do your research and choose the model that will better serve you.

Maximum Speed (KM/H)

Latest User Reviews

Check what other users think about

  1. ENGWE EP-2 PRO - Original price was: 1.099€.Current price is: 999€.

    Reviewed on March 11, 2024 by PayHelp

    Hallo Xandra,

    Hij wordt geleverd met een accu van 13 Ah, maar u kunt ook een accu van 16 Ah plaatsen om het vermogen te vergroten. De 16Ah-accu wordt niet bij de fiets geleverd, u kunt deze hier bestellen: https://enwolt.net/shop/engwe-accessories/lithium-ion-16ah-battery-for-engine-pro-16ah-version- of-ep-2-pro%ef%bc%8813ah-versie/


  2. ENGWE EP-2 PRO - Original price was: 1.099€.Current price is: 999€.

    Reviewed on March 7, 2024 by Xandra

    Wat betekent de zin, er wordt een extra accu 16ah bij geleverd ? Bij ons zit er geen extra accu bij.

    + PROS: Fiets net een halve dag en nog niet gebruikt. Eerste indruk is goed!
    - CONS: Aanknop vinden is lastig.
  3. ENGWE EP-2 PRO - Original price was: 1.099€.Current price is: 999€.

    Reviewed on March 6, 2024 by PayHelp

    Hello Bengt,

    I am sorry at the moment we don’t offer phone support. Could you please send us an at support@engwe.net and our team will get back to within 24 hours?


  4. ENGWE EP-2 PRO - Original price was: 1.099€.Current price is: 999€.

    Reviewed on March 6, 2024 by Bengt Myckelberg

    I need a telefonnumber. I need to order a contoller. The number on the sight is not in use. I live in sweden

  5. ENGWE EP-2 PRO - Original price was: 1.099€.Current price is: 999€.

    Reviewed on February 12, 2024 by PayHelp

    Hallo David,

    Vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback! Bitte wenden Sie sich an unser Support-Team unter support@engwe.net. Das Team hilft Ihnen gerne bei der Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung.


  1. ENGWE ENGINE PRO - Original price was: 1.499€.Current price is: 1.479€.

    Reviewed on July 24, 2024 by Vicent Gari Isach

    Ahora ya estoy utilizando mi Engwi y, aunque aun no he relizado todas las pruebas puedo decir, que si la suspension funcionara como esperaba de ella y como dicen otros evaluadores, le podria asignar las 5 estrellas. Por lo visto me ha tocado a mi la unica Engwi con la horquilla delantera i la suspension central, que de vista estan muy bien per no funcionan en absoluto. He intentado que algun taller me lo solucione, pero tampoco lo encuentro. Ahora eligiria otra que a ser posible tuviese el respaldo tecnico necesario.

    + PROS: Excepto las suspensiones, todo me parece bien.
    - CONS: Las suspensiones un fracaso que decepcionan a cualquiera.
  2. ENGWE ENGINE PRO - Original price was: 1.499€.Current price is: 1.479€.

    Reviewed on June 21, 2024 by PayHelp

    Hola Juan,

    Aquí hay un video que muestra cómo puede limitar la velocidad en su ENGWE ENGINE PRO.


    ¡Gracias y por favor avíseme si tiene alguna pregunta!


  3. ENGWE ENGINE PRO - Original price was: 1.499€.Current price is: 1.479€.

    Reviewed on June 19, 2024 by juan david ordoñez

    hola, quiero limitar la bicicleta a 25 km hora pero no me deja, como puedo hacerlo?

  4. ENGWE ENGINE PRO - Original price was: 1.499€.Current price is: 1.479€.

    Reviewed on June 15, 2024 by Hansi franke

    Gutes fahrad

    - CONS: Finde nichts wegen Display Sperre Code falsch eingegeben kann es nicht mehr startenh
  5. ENGWE ENGINE PRO - Original price was: 1.499€.Current price is: 1.479€.

    Reviewed on June 4, 2024 by PayHelp

    Bonjour FOURMENT,

    Merci de nous faire part de vos commentaires. Nous sommes heureux que vous soyez satisfait de votre vélo.

    N’hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous avez des questions !

    Équipe Engwe

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Original price was: 1.499€.Current price is: 1.479€. Add to Cart

Original price was: 1.299€.Current price is: 1.149€. Add to Cart

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